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Imagine that empty lot next door as an extension of your home, a place for community building or as a business opportunity.  You will need some vision, some time, some money and the right tools.  This TOOL KIT will help guide you through the process.​


Vacant Lot

Resource Guide


The City of Albany and the Affordable Housing Partnership (AHP) want to help you protect the value of your property and improve your neighborhood by sharing the essential information and skills you'll need

to develop vacant lots. Learn how to find, evaluate, purchase and transform a vacant lot into a safe and attractive place. Replace trash and debris with a meadow, an orchard, a park, a farm and more. Improve the value of your neighborhood, earn income, fight pollution and improve environmental diversity by owning and caring for a vacant lot.

Urban Garden

Hundreds of Lots!!! How did we get here?

© 2023 by Vacant Lot Tool Kit

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